Minggu, 11 Desember 2016


One Piece (ワン ピース Wan Pīsu) adalah sebuah anime dan manga tentang sekelompok bajak laut yang dipimpin oleh Monkey D. Luffy yang pergi mencari harta karun legendaris bernama One Piece. Luffy menjadi manusia karet yang memiliki kekuatan memanjangkan tubuhnya setelah secara tak sengaja memakan buah Gomu Gomu, salah satu dari buah iblis. Selama perjalanan Luffy banyak bertemu dengan teman baru dan musuh yang beragam.
One Piece diciptakan oleh Eiichiro Oda. Komiknya dimulai pada 1997 di Shonen Jump terbitan Shueisha dan hingga kini masih terus berlanjut. Versi TV nya dimulai pada Oktober 1999. Di Indonesia manga ini diterbitkan Elex Media Komputindo dan hingga kini telah mencapai jilid ke 60 lebih. Versi TV-nya, yang diproduksi Toei, telah mencapai 500 episode di Jepang. Sampai saat ini, One Piece telah mengeluarkan 12 film, yang terakhir dirilis pada tanggal 15 Desember 2012. Di Indonesia sendiri pernah ditayangkan di RCTIdan Global TV.
Pada Februari 2005, One Piece mencetak rekor di Jepang sebagai penerbitan manga yang tercepat mencapai 100.000.000 eksemplar. Hingga saat ini One Piece adalah salah satu manga paling laris sepanjang sejarah Jepang dengan penjualan lebih dari 260 juta kopi. Selain itu One Piece juga memecahkan rekor sebagai manga dengan cetakan pertama terbanyak. One Piece banyak mendapat pujian di antara para pembaca, terutama dalam hal gambar, karakter, humor, dan cerita.


Manga One Piece mulai diserialisasikan pada majalah Shonen Jump edisi #34 pada tanggal 4 Agustus 1997. Animenya mulai diproduksi oleh Toei Animation di Fuji Television pada 20 Oktober 1999.

Pada awalnya, Eiichiro Oda merencanakan One Piece akan berjalan sekitar 5 tahun, dan dia telah menetapkan endingnya. Tetapi dia terlalu "menikmati" jalan ceritanya dan sekarang dia tidak tahu kapan One Piece akan berakhir.

One Piece merupakan manga terlaris sepanjang sejarah Shonen Jump. Manga ini juga yang menyebabkan total penjualan Shonen Jump naik pada 11 tahun terakhir ini. Volume 25 memegang rekor penjualan manga di Jepang, dengan 2.630.000 unit terjual pada cetakan pertama. Dan volume 46 mencapai lebih dari 140.000.000 unit terjual dan merupakan manga tercepat yang mencapai total penjualan 100.000.000.

Hingga saat ini One Piece memecahkan rekor sebagai manga paling laris sepanjang sejarah. Kesuksesan One Piece bahkan melebihi gabungan no 2 Naruto, no 3 Kimi ni Todoke, no 4 Fairy Tail, no 5 Bleach, no 6 Bakuman, no 7 Gintama, dan no 8 Fullmetal Alchemist dengan total penjualan One Piece lebih dari 300 juta kopi.[butuh rujukan]

One Piece juga memecahkan rekor dunia penjualan tercepat dengan volume 63 terjual 2,119,400 dalam 4 hari (meskipun rekor sebelumnya juga dipegang One Piece volume 60 dan 61). Selain itu One Piece juga memecahkan rekor Jepang sebagai Cetakan pertama terbanyak. One Piece volume 63 memegang rekor Jepang dengan 3.9 juta kopi di cetakan pertama (meski rekor sebelumnya dipegang One Piece 60, 61, dan 62) rekor sebelum One Piece adalah Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenixdengan 2.9 juta kopi.


Daftar tokoh berikut ini hanya difokuskan pada Kelompok Bajak Laut Topi Jerami.

Yang berperan menjadi "orang jahat" dalam serial ini beragam, mulai dari Bajak Laut lain sampai anggota pemerintah (World Government). Tetapi yang berperan sebagai musuh secara garis besar adalah pihak angkatan laut.

Monkey D. Luffy[sunting | sunting sumber]

Alias: Topi Jerami, Manusia Karet. Jabatan: Kapten. Tebusan/Bounty: 500.000.000B
Luffy memiliki cita-cita menjadi Raja Bajak Laut setelah bertemu dengan Shanks Si Rambut Merah yang singgah di pulau kelahirannya, Fusha. Topi jerami yang menjadi ciri khasnya adalah pemberian dari Shanks dan dia berjanji akan memberikan topi itu kembali kepadanya saat mereka bertemu kembali.
Luffy adalah pemakan buah iblis Gomu Gomu sehingga ia menjadi manusia karet. kemampuan ini membuatnya tubuhnya memiliki atribut yang sama dengan karet, seperti melar, peredam listrik, dsb.
Ciri khas bertarungnya adalah menyerang dengan memanjangkan bagian tubuhnya. Semua nama jurusnya selalu diawali dengan kata "Gomu-gomu" dan kemudian diikuti dengan nama senjata atau artileri (contoh: 'Gomu Gomu no Pistol', 'Gomu Gomu no Bazooka', 'Gomu Gomu no Gatling', dll).
Gear Second: Teknik mempercepat aliran darah tetapi organ tubuhnya tidak hancur karena atribut karet pada tubuhnya. Efek dari Gear Second ini adalah kecepatan atau agility meningkat. Kata "jet" juga ditambahan dalam nama jurusnya (contoh: Gomu Gomu no Jet pistol). Jika ditambah dengan Haki, tinjunya jadi menimbulkan efek ledakan.
Gear Third: Teknik memberpesar tulang dengan meniupnya seperti balon. Efek dari Gear Third adalah kekuatan serangannya meningkat, namun kecepatan serangan menurun. Kata "Gigant" juga ditambahan dalam nama jurusnya (contoh: Gomu Gomu no Gigant Pistol). Jika ditambahkan haki tangannya menjadi hitam dan semakin keras.
Gear Four: Teknik memperbesar badan seukuran gorilla, dengan menggabungkan boushuku haki. Kekuatan ini mirip dengan tubuh gorilla dengan daya hancur yang sangat kuat. Dan ditambah dengan kekuatan tinjuan yang bisa mental di udara. (kekuatan ini muncul di dressrosa sewaktu melawan sichibukai Donquixote Doflamingo).
Hybrid: Gabungan dari Gear Second dan Gear Third. Kata "Shell" ditambahan dalam nama jurusnya.

Roronoa Zoro[sunting | sunting sumber]

Alias: Pemburu Bajak Laut, Tiga Pedang. Jabatan: Wakil Kapten. Tebusan/Bounty: 320.000.000B
Merupakan kru pertama yang ikut bergabung dalam Kelompok Topi Jerami. Teknik bertarungnya menggunakan 3 pedang yang merupakan pedang langka dalam dunia One Piece. Zoro memiliki cita-cita untuk menjadi pendekar pedang terkuat di dunia, mewarisi cita-cita sahabat masa kecilnya, Kuina, yang meninggal karena kecelakaan.

Nami[sunting | sunting sumber]

Alias: Kucing Pencuri. Jabatan: Navigator. Tebusan/Bounty: 66.000.000B
Navigator dari Kelompok Topi Jerami yang dapat merasakan perubahan cuaca dengan tubuhnya. Kemampuan lain selain navigasi adalah mencuri. Cita-cita dari Nami adalah membuat peta seluruh dunia. Senjata yang digunakan adalah tongkat dengan berbagai modifikasi dari Usopp.

Usopp[sunting | sunting sumber]

Alias: Hidung Panjang, Soge KingJabatan: Penembak Jitu. Tebusan/Bounty: 200.000.000B
Penembak jitu di Kelompok Bajak Laut Topi Jerami. Bercita-cita menjadi penembak jitu pemberani di seluruh lautan dan ingin pergi ke Pulau Elbaf. Ayahnya, Yasopp, adalah seorang penembak jitu di Kelompok Bajak Laut Shanks. Sangat suka berbohong, dan bercerita yang tinggi-tinggi. Bertarung dengan memakai tembakan ketapel dengan peluru unik dan jebakan-jebakan. Setelah 2 tahun latihan mampu mengendalikan Pop Green, tumbuhan yang bisa tumbuh dengan agresif dan cepat. Di Arc Dressrosa Usopp mendapat kekuatan haki penglihatan, yang mana dia bisa melihat Sugar (anggota keluaraga bajak laut Donquixote Doflamingo) ingin menyentuh Luffy dan Law dengan tujuan merobah mereka menjadi mainan, dan dia bisa melihat jelas keberadaan sugar dan menembakkan jebakan yang berisi gambar dirinya dengan mata dan lidah menjulur keluar. Menurut dirinya sendiri, dia termasuk 3 orang terlemah di kelompok, selain Nami dan Chopper. Walaupun termasuk 3 terlemah, dia merupakan orang yang berani bertarung melawan sang kapten Monkey D. Luffy dan membakar bendera Pemerintah Dunia.

Sanji[sunting | sunting sumber]

Alias: Kaki Hitam, Alis Melingkar. Jabatan: Koki. Tebusan/Bounty: 177.000.000B
Koki di anggota Bajak Laut Topi Jerami dan merupakan rival Roronoa Zoro. Koki yang bercita-cita menemukan lautan legendaris di mana semua sumber bahan makanan berasal, yaitu All Blue. Ia juga merupakan murid dari Zeff si Kaki Merah, koki handal dari Restoran Baratie yang dulunya bajak laut. Sanji sangat genit terhadap wanita. Sanji mempunyai prinsip yaitu tidak akan melukai wanita walaupun harus mati. Sanji menggunakan kedua kakinya untuk bertarung dan tidak pernah menggunakan tangannya karena menurutnya, tangan adalah harta karun bagi seorang koki. Sanji bertarung dengan teknik tendangan yang sangat kuat. Dia juga bisa memakai tenknik "Diable Jump / Diable Jumble" yang membuat kakinya mengeluarkan api. Teknik ini bisa memperkuat tendangannya dan memberikan efek terbakar pada musuhnya. Termasuk 3 anggota terkuat Kelompok Topi Jerami. Selain itu jurus andalan terbarunya adalah Hell Memories yang mana jurus ini selalu mengingatkan dia sewaktu di pulau Okama tempat Emporio Ivankov (anggota Pasukan Revolusi) dan jurus ini lebih hebat daya bakarnya ketimbang Diable Jambe dan Sky Walk yang bisa berjalan di atas langit.

Tony Tony Chopper[sunting | sunting sumber]

Alias: Pecinta Gulali. Jabatan: Dokter. Tebusan/Bounty: 100B
Dokter yang berwujud rusa kutub ini mempunyai tujuh wujud perubahan. Chopper mengemban keinginan dari dokter terhebat di dunia dokter Hiluluk, yang bercita-cita menyembuhkan segala penyakit yang ada di dunia. Dia pemakan buah iblis Hito Hito sehingga dapat berbicara layaknya manusia. Kekuatan buah Hito-Hito juga membuatnya bisa berubah menjadi berbagai macam wujud termasuk menjadi monster. Setelah 2 tahun, dia bisa memakai wujud monsternya tanpa kehilangan kesadaran.

Nico Robin[sunting | sunting sumber]

Alias: Anak Iblis. Jabatan: Arkeolog. Tebusan/Bounty: 130.000.000B
Arkeolog satu-satunya di dunia yang tersisa dari Pulau Ohara yang meneliti asal usul penyandang inisial 'D' melalui Poneglyph yang mungungkapkan kejadian yang sebenarnya pada sejarah 100 tahun yang hilang. Merupakan buruan paling dicari oleh pihak pemerintah dunia karena dianggap sebagai iblis yang dapat mengacaukan perdamaian dunia. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan nilai buruan pada saat umurnya 8 tahun sangat tinggi. Pemakan buah iblis Hana Hana sehingga dapat menggandakan anggota tubuhnya di mana saja (tetapi lebih sering menggandakan tangannya). Bertarung dengan mengandakan tubuhnya, bisa digunakan untuk berbagai variasi jurus (seperti menumbuhkan tangan di tubuh lawan lalu memukulnya). Saat menggunakan kekuatannya dia menyilangkan tangannya.

Franky / Cutty Flam[sunting | sunting sumber]

Alias: Cyborg. Jabatan: Tukang Kayu. Tebusan/Bounty: 94.000.000B
Cyborg sekaligus Tukang kayu kapal yang bercita-cita membangun kapal impian, kapal yang mampu mengarungi seluruh lautan seperti kapal Raja Bajak Laut Gol D. Roger, Oro Jackson, yang dibuat oleh Tom. Saat Tom ditangkap oleh Angkatan Laut, Frangky berniat menghentikan kereta api atas laut yang mengangkut Tom ke Ennies Lobby. Akibatnya, ia tertabrak kereta tersebut dan nyaris meninggal. Untuk bertahan hidup, ia mengubah struktur tubuhnya dengan berbagai teknologi hingga menjadi Cyborg. Teknik bertarung Franky cukup bervariasi. Ia menggunakan senjata yang tersembunyi di seluruh tubuhnya, dan menggunakan Cola sebagai bahan bakar. 2 tahun kemudian, setelah berkumpul kembali, Frangky merakit ulang tubuhnya dengan teknologi canggih dari Angkatan Laut, yang merupakan hasil penelitian dari Vegapunk, seorang ilmuwan dari Angkatan Laut. Selain itu dia sekarang telah mengembangkan robot tempur yang ia namakan "General Iron Pirates". dan robot ini bisa berubah menjadi sepeda motor tempur dan tank baja.

Brook[sunting | sunting sumber]

Alias: Pemusik. Jabatan: Musisi. Tebusan/Bounty: 83.000.000B
Manusia tengkorak berambut afro dan juga seorang pemusik yang direkrut setelah peristiwa Thriller Bark. Dia merupakan bajak laut yang berjanji pada seekor paus yang bernama Laboon dan bercita-cita untuk meneruskan perjalanan hingga Raftel, pulau ujung dunia dan berjanji akan kembali lagi menemui Laboon. Bertarung dengan menggunakan pedang dan biolanya. Kekuatan musiknya bisa menghipnotis orang yang mendengarkan lagunya dan juga bisa menidurkan orang. Pemakan buah iblis Yomi Yomi yang artinya hidup kembali. Sebenarnya dia sudah lama meninggal, tetapi karena kekuatan buah iblis ini arwahnya kembali dan menemukan jasadnya yang telah tinggal tulang belulang. Setelah 2 tahun berlatih mampu menyambung tubuhnya yang putus, pedangnya bisa membekukan dan bisa keluar dari jasad tengkoraknya.

Rabu, 28 Januari 2015

Captain Hector Barbossa (Character)


Hector Barbossa is a fictional character in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series partly inspired by Barbarossa Hayreddin Pasha. Barbossa is portrayed by Australian actor Geoffrey Rush in all the films. Barbossa was first introduced in the series as the villainous and treacherous captain of the Black Pearl after committing mutiny against the ship's rightful captain, Jack Sparrow, in the series' first installment Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003). Having met his demise in the climax of the film, his character is revealed to have been resurrected at the end of Dead Man's Chest (2006). In the third film At World's End (2007), it is revealed that Barbossa is also one of the nine pirate lords in the Brethren Court, the Pirate Lords of the Seven Seas. In the fourth film On Stranger Tides (2011), he has become a privateer in the King's Navy and is ordered to be Jack's guide on an expedition for the Fountain of Youth.



Barbossa's first name, "Hector," was revealed in a director's commentary on the Curse of the Black Pearl DVD, but was not revealed by any of the characters until the third film of the series (when they rescue Jack Sparrow, and Barbossa greets him, Sparrow says: "Ah, Hector! It's been too long! Hasn't it?"). It was revealed that co star Johnny Depp played a decisive part in providing the name.[1]



The Curse of the Black Pearl

In Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Barbossa is captain of the pirate ship, the Black Pearl. His plan is to break the Aztec curse he and his crew are under and bring an end to Jack Sparrow, one of his arch rivals. He was originally the ship's first mate under Captain Jack Sparrow (Depp). Barbossa persuaded Jack to reveal the bearings to Isla de Muerta where the Chest of Cortez, containing 882 pieces of Aztec gold, was hidden. After Sparrow divulged the location, Barbossa and the crew mutinied and marooned Sparrow on a tiny island, with only a single-shot pistol with which to commit suicide. Barbossa was convinced for the next ten years after the mutiny that Jack was killed by starvation. However, unknown to Barbossa, Jack made a deal with rum runners to take him off the island after three days, swore to use the pistol's single shot to kill Barbossa, and spent the next 10 years seeking revenge.
Barbossa and the crew found the Aztec treasure, but ran afoul of a curse placed upon the gold by the Aztec gods, which rendered the pirates undead. To lift the curse, the crew had to return all 882 coins to the chest and offer their blood. They still need their former shipmate Bootstrap Bill Turner's blood; Turner was the lone holdout against the mutiny, and believing the crew deserved to remain cursed for betraying Jack, sent one coin to his son, Will (Orlando Bloom). In retaliation, Barbossa tied Bootstrap to a cannon and threw him overboard. For years, Barbossa searched for the last coin, which was now possessed by Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley), daughter of Governor Weatherby Swann (Jonathan Pryce). Barbossa sets sail for Port Royal after detecting a "signal" when the coin touched the sea. Unknown to him, Jack Sparrow is also in Port Royal.

Barbossa's cursed-skeleton form.
Believing Elizabeth is Bootstrap's daughter (and thus, the means to breaking their curse) after she gives her name as Elizabeth Turner, Barbossa makes off with her and the medallion. He reveals their cursed state en route to Isla de Muerta. Elizabeth's blood is offered, but the ritual fails. Will, aided by Sparrow, rescues Elizabeth and escapes with the medallion. Sparrow is taken prisoner aboard the Pearl, and Barbossa pursues the Interceptor. Catching them, Barbossa learns Will's true identity and tricks Will into believing that Jack, the crew, and Elizabeth will be freed. He instead maroons Jack and Elizabeth on a deserted island (the same one he marooned Jack on years before) while, inspired by an idea of one of his crew, he takes Will to Isla de Muerta to be killed to break the curse. Before the final battle, as Barbossa is about to kill Will, Sparrow makes another unexpected return to Barbossa's astonishment at his escape. When he threatens to kill Jack too, Jack reveals to Barbossa that he has led the British Royal Navy to the island and he convinces Barbossa to capture the HMS Dauntless, leaving Jack the Black Pearl.
While the pirates battle the Royal Navy, Jack reveals his trickery and duels Barbossa (after having secretly swiped a cursed coin). Barbossa stabs Jack during a duel, but Jack reveals that he holds a coin and is now also cursed, and thus immortal. When Barbossa attempts to kill Elizabeth, Jack fatally shoots Barbossa with the pistol after Will tosses his coin with his blood on it into the chest, breaking the curse. As he bleeds from the bullet wound his last words are "I feel...cold."
In a post credits "Easter Egg" scene, Barbossa's pet monkey, Jack, steals a gold coin from the Chest, thus cursing itself once again.

Dead Man's Chest

Barbossa is resurrected during the second film, although he does not appear until the final scene. Having met his demise in the previous installment, Barbossa is resurrected by Tia Dalma (Naomie Harris) in order to save Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones' Locker after Sparrow meets his demise against the Kraken, ending Dead Man's Chest in a cliffhanger.
During the scene at Tia Dalma's hut, someone's lower body can be partially seen lying on a bed in a back room; this is most likely Barbossa. Jack the Monkey perches on a boot-clad leg, alluding to Barbossa being resurrected. Jack Sparrow holding Barbossa's feathered hat is also a subtle clue that the captain will return.
In the movie, after Tia Dalma says they'll need a captain who knows the waters of World's End, Barbossa enters and says "So tell me. What's become of my ship?", bites into a green apple and laughs; however, for this short role and that the creators wanted to keep his return a surprise, Rush was not credited.


At World's End

Barbossa joins forces with Will, Elizabeth and the Black Pearl crew to rescue Jack from Davy Jones' Locker.
To reach World's End, the gateway to the Locker, Barbossa needs the navigational charts belonging to Sao Feng (Chow Yun-fat), the Pirate Lord of South China Sea. During a meeting with Feng, Barbossa and Elizabeth admit that they are planning to retrieve Jack Sparrow, Feng's enemy. Feng is furious over an earlier attempt by Will to steal the charts, but after the East India Trading Company attacks his bathhouse, he is persuaded to loan them the charts and a ship, although only after making a secret deal with Will.
Barbossa and the crew sail to World's End, eventually arriving in Davy Jones' Locker. There they find Sparrow and the Black Pearl, though Sparrow initially believes they are hallucinations. Sparrow finally agrees to be rescued, though he and Barbossa continually dispute who is captain. Jack and Barbossa eventually command different sides of the ship, often while issuing orders simultaneously. While searching for an escape route, Sparrow and Barbossa form a tenuous alliance when Jack is told that Cutler Beckett (Tom Hollander) now possesses the heart of Davy Jones and is purging piracy. Jack learns that whoever stabs Davy Jones' heart will become immortal, and instead plots his own course.
Returning to the living world, the crew sight land and stop to restock supplies. Distrusting one another, both captains go ashore with a landing party, leaving Will temporarily in command, still unaware he has a deal with Sao Feng. While ashore, they find the dead Kraken, killed by Davy Jones under Lord Beckett's order. Barbossa tells Sparrow that as two of the nine Pirate Lords, they must attend the Brethren Court convening at Shipwreck Cove, although Jack refuses, intent on seeking immortality. A surprisingly eloquent Barbossa urges Sparrow to look beyond his own self interests and consider the greater good, telling him piracy is being exterminated and there is little nobility or purpose in being the only pirate left in the Caribbean; he will be doomed to the same fate as the Kraken—the last of its kind.
Sao Feng arrives in his warship, the Empress, claiming the Pearl and betraying Will. Barbossa negotiates a new deal with Feng and implies that Calypso, goddess of the sea, is aboard the ship, trapped in human form. Believing Elizabeth is Calypso, Feng demands she be traded to him for the Pearl. Elizabeth, furious over Will's deception, agrees to go with Feng to protect the crew. Will is thrown into the brig by Sparrow as Barbossa and Sparrow head to Shipwreck Cove, after escaping Lord Beckett, who arrived at the island.
It is revealed (or at least strongly implied) at Shipwreck Cove, that Tia Dalma, who is in fact Calypso in human form, resurrected Barbossa not only to help retrieve Sparrow, but to free her from her mortal form. After she angrily reminds him of the reasons she bought him back, Barbossa points out that she needs to keep him alive, since he is also one of the pirate lords.
At the Brethren Court, Barbossa proposes releasing Calypso from her human form to help them fight Beckett. He argues that the first court imprisoned the goddess only because it served their own needs, but in doing so, they provided an opportunity for forces like Beckett to threaten them. The other lords remain opposed, however, fearing the sea goddess' power and retaliation. Meanwhile, Elizabeth Swann, who has succeeded Sao Feng as the Empress' captain and the Pirate Lord of Singapore, arrives at the court. The Lords argue over going into battle and releasing Calypso. According to the Pirata Codex, only a Pirate King can declare war. The lords move to elect one, but historically, each Lord only votes for himself, resulting in a continual stalemate. In a surprising upset, Sparrow votes for Elizabeth, though it is only to serve his own scheme. As "King", Elizabeth declares war against Beckett.
As the pirates prepare for battle, the horizon fills with Lord Beckett's massive armada. Barbossa, who tricked the other pirate lords into yielding their "Pieces of Eight" rank insignias, frees Calypso in a ritual, stating that his fate has been out of his control for too long. He pleads for her intervention, but Calypso refuses to aid those who kept her imprisoned; her fury creates a giant maelstrom.
Barbossa takes the Black Pearl into battle against the Flying Dutchman; amidst the combat, he reluctantly pronounces Will and Elizabeth married. After Beckett's defeat, Elizabeth leaves to reunite with Will for their "one day", while Barbossa again commandeers the Pearl, stranding Jack and Gibbs in Tortuga. The crew demands that Barbossa share the bearings to the Fountain of Youth, mirroring the original mutiny that made Barbossa the Pearl's captain. Barbossa agrees and unrolls the chart, only to discover that Jack has removed its middle.


On Stranger Tides

In Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Hector Barbossa is now a privateer in King George II's Royal Navy. Barbossa reveals that the Black Pearl was attacked by the Queen Anne's Revenge, Blackbeard's pirate ship. Blackbeard seemed to make the Pearl come alive, attacking its own crew. Barbossa believes the ship was destroyed, and that he is the only survivor, though he escaped by severing his leg. He now uses a peg leg and crutch and regrets the fact that he did not go down with the Pearl after the attack. Although Barbossa claims the British Navy recruited him by offering a "nice retirement package", his true intention is to seek revenge against Blackbeard.
King George summons Barbossa for a meeting and there Barbossa realizes that the King has captured Jack Sparrow to commission him as a crewmember of Barbossa's. Barbossa suggests to the king that he chains Jack back to his chair to avoid escape but the king refuses unaware that his refusal has sealed Jack's escape into reality. Jack does so escape and Barbossa is sent on an expedition to locate the Fountain of Youth before the Spanish, led by an unnamed person called the Spaniard. Barbossa, commanding the HMS Providence, forcefully enlists Joshamee Gibbs' help to find the Fountain since Gibbs destroys the charts from the previous story to save himself from being hanged; and pursue the Queen Anne's Revenge. Blackbeard, with Jack Sparrow now aboard, arrives at Whitecap Bay.
The crew captures a mermaid and when the Providence arrives to the caribbean they find the shattered remains of a bell tower that helped summon the mermaids; the Providence is sunk during a mermaid attack forcing Barbossa and the crew to search for the Fountain on foot. Barbossa hikes through a rainforest and secretly collects poison frogs to poison his sword with for a final fight with Blackbeard; to cover up his intentions he claims he has a hobby for collecting frogs. He finds Sparrow alone at Juan Ponce de León's decaying flagship but realize the chalices are missing; the Spanish found them first. Barbossa and Jack enter the camp and take the chalices but the Spanish recognize them as enemies and arrest them. Barbossa reveals to Jack about his true intentions and they both escape in a final struggle for the chalices.
The two agree to join forces against Blackbeard, and Sparrow leads Blackbeard's crew into a trap located at the fountain. During a long battle Blackbeard manages to tire Barbossa out and trips him. Seemingly defeated with him trapped to the ground, and most of his men killed Barbossa distracts Blackbeard to the fact that the Spanish have arrived at the fountain and when the Spaniard has his men destroy the room Barbossa fatally stabs Blackbeard with his poisoned sword, then claims Blackbeard's magical sword, the Queen Anne's Revenge, and assumes command of Blackbeard's crew. He then leaves with his crew for Jack to finish Blackbeard off using the ritual method. Renouncing all ties to the Crown, Barbossa reverts to piracy and his alignment as being a hero or villain in future installments is once again questioned. But however unknown to Barbossa, the Black Pearl was never destroyed, but had been magically shrunk by Blackbeard. The tiny ship is now back in Jack's possession, who must somehow restore it to normal size.


Dead Men Tell No Tales

Geoffrey Rush had commented on returning as Barbossa in a fifth Pirates of the Caribbean film, saying "If they keep shapeshifting this character, absolutely" as well as implying he may return as the villain.[2] He also said that Barbossa's megalomania "could explode in horrific ways."[3] In December 2014, Rush confirmed his return for the fifth installment Dead Men Tell No Tales where Barbossa and Sparrow were "at the heart of it and there's a whole new set of story lines."[4]



In the "Becoming Barbossa" featurette on the "Lost Disc", Geoffrey Rush shared his personal take on Barbossa's history: his family was poor, and he ran away from home when he was 13. He went to the sea, and seeing how well the captains and officers lived, decided to become a captain himself. At first, he wanted to be an honest seaman, but quickly recognized that piracy was easier and more lucrative.
His family name indicates a Portuguese origin.
In At World's End, Hector Barbossa is revealed to be one of the nine Pirate Lords of the Brethren Court. He is the Pirate Lord of the Caspian Sea, although as that body of water is endorheic, he pirated elsewhere, eventually settling in the Caribbean and joining Jack Sparrow's crew. His position as Pirate Lord of the Caspian Sea is revealed in the updated Complete Visual Guide.
In Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom, Barbossa is the pirate captain in the Caribbean. After his schooner, the Cobra, is attacked and destroyed by the infamous rogue pirates, he goes to Shipwreck Cove to inform the Pirate Lords of his disaster.[5] With the help of a young pirate Jack Sparrow, Barbossa discovers that the leader of the rogues is Borya Palachnik, the Russian Pirate Lord of the Caspian Sea. After he was captured and sentenced to hang, Borya gave his Piece of Eight to Barbossa, thus making him the next Pirate Lord of the Caspian Sea.
Hector Barbossa is fond of apples, which appear throughout the first film. He offers one to the captive Elizabeth and later tells her that once the curse is lifted, he wants to eat a whole bushel-full. There are also apples in his cabin, and when Jack is taken to the brig, Barbossa grabs the apple Jack was eating and throws it in the water in anger. When he dies at the end of "Curse of the Black Pearl", an apple rolls from his hand that he apparently brought to eat when the curse was lifted. His cameo appearance at the end of Dead Man's Chest shows him biting into his favorite fruit. In At World's End, he is only shown eating one apple when aboard the Black Pearl. In On Stranger Tides, he is seen eating apple slices aboard his ship.
According to the audio commentary from the first Pirates of the Caribbean DVD (featuring the scriptwriters), Hector Barbossa is skilled with a sword, and is considered one of the finest swordsmen in the Caribbean. According to the commentary, Barbossa's skills are equal to James Norrington (Jack Davenport) and exceeded only by Will Turner. His prowess with a blade is evident in his duel with Jack Sparrow, and in the maelstrom battle against the East India Trading Company. In the first film, the Black Pearl crew were hesitant to attack Hector Barbossa, even simultaneously. The only person known to have survived a one-on-one duel with him is Jack Sparrow, in the treasure caves of Isla de Muerta—and even that was with the aid of a pistol. Geoffrey Rush comments that Hector Barbossa supposedly used a sword from a very young age, possibly as early as 13.
He uses the same flag as the notorious pirate "Calico Jack" Rackham.

Hector Barbossa's Jolly Roger, which was originally the flag of pirate Calico Jack.
In Pirates of the Caribbean: The Visual Guide, Hector Barbossa is described as being attentive to his appearance, as his elaborate clothing shows. He wears a large ring bearing a lion's head symbol and has purplish blue ostrich plumes and a pheasant feather in his hat (which appears to be important to him, as in the first movie Jack Sparrow interests him in a bargain by saying, "and I'll buy you a hat... a really big one"). His coat buttons are made from recast Incan silver, and his pistol once belonged to a Spanish pirate, won in a duel.[6]


Other appearances

  • In 2006, an animatronic Hector Barbossa was added (along with Captain Jack Sparrow) to the original Pirates of the Caribbean theme park ride at various Disney parks, wherein he appears as captain of the Wicked Wench.
  • Hector Barbossa is one of only five Disney villains ever nominated for the MTV Movie Award for Best Villain, the others being Davy Jones, Scar from The Lion King, Jadis the White Witch in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear from Toy Story 3.
  • Hector Barbossa (along with another Black Pearl crewman) is pictured on the cover of issue No. 71 Piraten of WAS IST WAS, a German Knowledge-book series, aimed at children and adolescents.[7]
  • Hector Barbossa appears as a villain in the Pirates of the Caribbean setting, Port Royal, of Kingdom Hearts II. In the game, his role is copied and pasted from the film, with the exceptions of the presence of Sora, Donald and Goofy, his alliance with Pete and Maleficent, and his control over the Heartless. Due to the filming of the two sequels back-to-back, which resulted in Geoffrey Rush being unavailable, Hector Barbossa was voiced by Brian George in the English version. In the Japanese version, he is voiced by Haruhiko Jō.
  • Barbossa was made into several action figures by NECA. He appeared in the first wave of Curse of the Black Pearl figures in his human form; that same figure would be re-released as part of the fourth wave of Dead Man's Chest toys. Barbossa's cursed form was released as a box set, which also featured Jack Sparrow as a zombie, and the chest of cursed Aztec gold. Then, he was also released in the At World's End figure line. However, he did not come with Jack the Monkey, who was released in a figure set along with Marty. Lastly, Barbossa was featured in "At Stranger tides" action figure wave with his peg leg and privateer suit.[8]
  • Barbossa was made as a plush toy for the M&M Dead Man's Chest.
  • Barbossa was one the original characters available in the video game "Disney Infinity" released in August 2013